The main products are: phosphoric acid, sartan biphenyl, sodium tripolyphosphate, sodium six phosphate,
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TechnologyQuality assurance

Sodium gluconate is a surface cleaning agent for steel

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Sodium gluconate is a steel surface cleaning agent, glass bottle cleaning agent, and aluminum oxide coloring agent for electroplating industry. Sodium gluconate is widely used in industry, including in construction, textile printing and dyeing, metal surface treatment, and water treatment. Its important characteristics and application effects are as follows: Sodium gluconate has a corrosion and scale inhibition effect, and is widely used as a water quality stabilizer. Sodium gluconate is used as a water reducer and retarder in concrete engineering. Sodium gluconate has strong scale inhibition ability and strong chelating ability towards calcium, magnesium, and iron salts; Sodium gluconate, as a corrosion and scale inhibitor for circulating cooling water, is also a major advantage in achieving environmental protection. Sodium gluconate has a wide range of applications, including pumped concrete, high flow concrete, large volume concrete, and high-performance concrete.

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